Pet Relocations

Transporting your pet across international borders can be a daunting task especially when an international move has countless moving parts and involves numerous detailed decisions which must be considered.
MEBS, for this reason, worked to develop not only the International Household Goods Relocations capability but also Pet Relocations expertise.
MEBS Relocations personnel work with the Shipper to determine the safest most secure route for the traveling pet with dates that correspond to the owner’s in-country arrival. And, we work with the pet owners to acquire necessary vaccine and health documentation required at destination and to obtain pre-approval from the recipient country.
MEBS will arrange kennel accommodations at origin and at destination and will update families and pet owners as the journey progresses.
Upon arrival at destination, MEBS representatives will arrange the reunion at the owner’s convenience to include delivery to the new home or simply to be at the arrival airport as your pet emerges from “immigration”.
We believe having your pet with you as you discover your new life in-country contributes to the overall success and longevity in your new home abroad.